
Voices for the Voiceless…
The idea of Voices for the Voiceless campaign, comes from Fighting For Autism USA, South Eastern Regional Director, Pro Wrestler, Personal Trainer and Part-time Ghostbuster, Dwayne “Titan” Smith.

There were 2 kids on the autistic spectrum being kept in a cage. This is beyond cruel it was unacceptable. They’re human beings and deserve to be treated as such. I was picking up a shirt order from Demingous Price for a wrestling event I had to do that night. I remembered a phrase that I had heard before “Voices for the Voiceless.” So I had a special shirt made for me that night and called the promoter, Tyler Gazaway, on my way to the arena and asked if I could speak on the microphone, he agreed that I could.
I stood backstage reading the article over and over becoming more and more furious. I gathered a few thoughts in my head and waited for my music to hit.
My music began to play, the crowd cheered and I hit the ring. Most of the time I walk around the ring, smiling, giving fist bumps/high fives but not this night. I went straight to the ring with a purpose. I hit all four corners raising my fist and began to tell the audience…
My music began to play, the crowd cheered and I hit the ring. Most of the time I walk around the ring, smiling, giving fist bumps/high fives but not this night. I went straight to the ring with a purpose. I hit all four corners raising my fist and began to tell the audience…
“Right down the road from this very arena there were two autistic kids found in a cage. Right down the road from here. I will NOT stand by and let this happen anywhere, anytime by anyone ESPECIALLY next to my hometown! I will be your voice. I will stand up for you. I will stand by you. I will be your voice for the voiceless!”

Dwayne has a heart of gold and when it comes to making a massive difference to those on the spectrum, he is definitely a man on a mission. Through building relationships with his local community and businesses, and actively involving those on the Autistic Spectrum has seen some absolute superstars on the Spectrum be given their chance to shine and also experience things in a setting that make those memories last a lifetime not just for them but also to their families too.
Dwayne, and our amazing friends at Valor Fights including Tim Loy Cutman Ambassador Mark Laws,went the extra mile to give Jayce Wisenhunt and his Dad a night to remember after Jayce’s chaperone wasn’t allowed to escorts him to his prom which led Jayce to leaving his prom upset, his chaperone was his sister who the school claimed was too old to attend, Jayce who is on the spectrum, was given the superstar treatment and Tim Loy awarded Jayce a belt of his own, Valor Fights have also gone on to become huge supporters of Fighting For Autism and have even hosted Fighting For Autism events, of where Dwayne is always there to raise a hand and raise awareness.

On behalf of us all at Fighting For Autism we would like to say Thank You to everyone who is truly making a difference, we could not do it without you, huge Thank You to Dwayne “Titan”Smith for his help in today’s blog entry
#VoicesForTheVoiceless #DareToBeDifferent #FightingForAutism #BeBrave #BeBold #BeKind #BeInspirational #BeYourself #Wrestling #MMA #MuayThai #BJJ #Judo #Escrima #Boxing #Karate #TaeKwonDo #Capoeira #Ghostbusters #ValorFights #CarmikeCinemas
Great tips regrading Autism . You provided the best information which helps us a lot. Thanks for sharing the wonderful information.